Quiz – Siman 140

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 140

There are 30 days in Nissan, and 30 days in Adar. If the first day of Adar occurs on Shabbos, on which day of Adar will Parshas Parah be read?

There are 30 days in Nissan, and 30 days in Adar. If the first day of Nissan occurs on Shabbos, on which day of Adar will Parshas Parah be read?

There are 30 days in Nissan, and 30 days in Adar. If the first day of Adar occurs on Friday, on which day of Adar will Parshas Zachor be read?

How should one who lives in a community without a minyan fulfill his obligation to hear the parshiyos of Zachor and Parah?

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