Quiz – Siman 56

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 056

If one makes a mezonos on bread, is he yotzei?

If one makes hamotzi on cholent, is he yotzei?

If one made a hagafen on grapes, is he yotzei

If one makes a ha'eitz on a tomato, is he yotzei?

If one makes a ha'adama on an orange, is he yotzei?

If one makes a ha'eitz on wine, is he yotzei?

If one makes a shehakol on bread, is he yotzei?

If you think you are about to drink a cup of wine, and begin making a b'racha, but before you say "borei p'ri hagafen" you realize that the cup is actually full of beer, and you say "shehakol nih'yeh bidvaro" - are you yotzei?

Yitzchak just came home from work, and sits down to have exactly 1 cup of wine. After completing birchas hagafen but before tasting the drink, he realizes that it's actually prune juice. What should Yitzchak do?

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