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Quiz – Siman 24
Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 024
TRUE OR FALSE: Any type of mistake in a Sefer Torah will render it pasul
TRUE OR FALSE: Any mistake that does not change the meaning of the word does not pasul a Sefer Torah
TRUE OR FALSE: If a Sefer Torah lost its proper form it is only pasul if it lost its form at the onset of the writing.
If a hole was found in the letter of the Torah, is it pasul?
a) Yes, no matter when the hole occurred
b) Yes, if the hole occurred at the time of the writing and the letter retains its form
c) No
If one is uncertain if a letter has retained its form, what should he do?
a) Show it to any child under bar-mitzvah and cover all the letters except the one in question
b) Show it to a child who will recognize the letter but he will not know the letter from the context and cover all the letters except the one in question
c) Fix the letter without asking anybody
d) Show it to a child who will recognize the letter but he will not know the letter from the context and cover the letters before the letter in question
e) Show it to a child who will recognize the letter but he will not know the letter from the context and cover the letters after the letter in question
If a letter was broken by a hole in the parchment and part of it remained beneath the puncture, and it is unsure whether the part of the letter that is above the puncture is the required size what should one do?
a) Ask a child without covering anything
b) Rewrite the letter
c) Ask a child and cover the part of the letter that is beneath the puncture
d) Nothing needs to be done
If the Sefer Torah is found to be pasul on a weekday after reading the 1
aliyah, what should one do?
a) Take out a new Sefer Torah and read 3 aliyos from where they stopped
b) Take out a new Sefer Torah and continue from where they left off with 2 more aliyos
c) If there is not a new Sefer Torah they should finish with the pasul Sefer Torah without saying berachos
d) If there is not a new Sefer Torah they should finish with the pasul Sefer Torah with saying berachos
e) Take out a new Sefer Torah and read 3 aliyos from the beginning of the parshah
If the Sefer Torah is found to be pasul on Shabbos after reading the 1
aliyah, what should one do?
a) Take out a new Sefer Torah and read 7 aliyos from where they stopped
b) Take out a new Sefer Torah and continue from where they left off with 6 more aliyos
c) If there is not a new Sefer Torah they should finish with the pasul Sefer Torah without saying berachos
d) If there is not a new Sefer Torah they should finish with the pasul Sefer Torah with saying berachos
e) Take out a new Sefer Torah and read 7 aliyos from the beginning of the parshah
If the Sefer Torah is found to be pasul on a weekday in the middle of the 1
aliyah, what should they do?
a) Take out a new Sefer Torah
b) The oleh should repeat the 1st Berachah
c) They should start from the beginning of the parshah
d) They should continue from where they left off even if it is in the middle of the pasuk
e) They should continue where they left off except if they were in the middle of a pasuk they should start from the beginning of the pasuk
TRUE OR FALSE: If the Sefer Torah is found to be pasul on a weekday in the middle of the 1
aliyah, they should follow the custom of the shul
If the Sefer Torah is found to be pasul on a weekday after the oleh made a berachah but before they read from the Torah. Should the oleh repeat the 1st berachah on the new Sefer Torah?
If the Sefer Torah is pasul because of an error in Bereishis than can one read from the Torah from Shmos?
a) No
b) Yes, if one has no alternative except for Mincha on Shabbos
c) Yes, if one has no alternative for any Torah reading
d) Yes but only for Shabbos
If the seam between the two sections of parchment tore partially, can the Sefer Torah be used?
a) No, it may never be used
b) If most of the seam is intact than yes if there is no other Sefer Torah
c) If most of the seam is not intact than no in all situations
d) If most of the seam is intact than yes even if there is another Sefer Torah
e) If most of the seam is not intact and the tear is in the same Chumash it may only be used if there are at least 5 stitches
f) If most of the seam is not intact and the tear in the seam is in a different Chumash it may only be used if there are at least 5 stitches
g) If most of the seam is not intact and the tear is in the same Chumash it may only be used if there are at least 2 stitches
h) If most of the seam is not intact and the tear in the seam is in a different Chumash it may only be used if there are at least 2 stitches
If wax was found on a letter of the Sefer Torah on Shabbath what should be done?
a) If the letter can be seen nothing needs to be done
b) If any letter is covered by the wax the Sefer Torah should not be used without fixing it
c) There is only a problem if the wax covers a part of the Sefer Torah that needs to be read from
d) Even if the letter cannot be seen the Torah may be read from
e) The wax should be remove in any possible way
f) The wax should be removed in an unusual manner
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