Quiz – Siman 68

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 068

When is the earliest one may recite teffilas haderech when first departing for his journey?

When is the most ideal time to recite teffilas haderech upon first departing for his journey?

When is the earliest one may recite teffilas haderech upon departing a motel at a stopover on his journey?

When is it not ideal, but still permissible, to recite teffilas haderech when first departing home?

When may one no longer say teffilas haderech?

Teffilas Haderech should be recited while....

May one say Teffilas Haderech without reciting any other brachos with it?

On Sunday morning, Shimon departed on his journey to Place C. As the sun began going down, Shimon decided to spend the night at Place B. Upon settling in the city, he realized that he could probably make it to Place C before midnight if he hurried, so he quickly packed his bags, and left for Place C. Does Shimon have to say teffilas haderech again?

If one departs on a one-week journey, and never stops traveling, what should he do regarding Teffilas Haderech after he already said it once?

What is not something one should try to do when going on a journey?

While traveling, Shema should ideally be recited...:

Shemoneh Esrai should ideally be recited...:

What's more ideal - to daven shacharis before traveling, while standing, somewhat before sunrise OR to daven sitting, while traveling, after sunrise?

How must birkas hamazon be recited while on traveling?

If on a journey, a group of three men eat at a house of a goy - should a zimun be conducted?

By letter of the law, what is the maximum one may travel on erev shabbos?

If one stay at an inn (where there is no eiruv) for shabbos and he is afraid his money will be stolen, especially if he remains indoors the whole day - what should he do?

If one stay at an inn (where there is no eiruv) for shabbos and he is afraid his money will be stolen, especially if he remains indoors the whole day, AND he does not have any needle and thread with him- what should he do?

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