Quiz – Siman 129

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 129

During Rosh Hashana, one should daven Shmoneh Esrei...

If the Chazzan accidentally said הא-ל הקדוש during the Aseres Yimei Teshuva, what should he do? 

If the Chazzan accidentally said הא-ל הקדוש during "magen avos" on Friday night, what should he do?

If one who was davening Shemoneh Esrei of Rosh Hashana skipped "uv'chain tain pachdecha",  said "baruch atah hashem", and did not yet conclude "hamelech hakadosh" - what should he do?

When is one judged during Rosh Hashana?

On what should one recite "yhi ratzon shetichadesh aleinu shanah tova umisuka"?

Why do we not eat nuts on Rosh Hashana?

אבינו מלכנו חטאנו לפניך - Who does חטאנו refer do?

How many sound-lengths (כחות) should a tekiah be?

Should the tokea breathe between the Shevarim and the Teruah of the "Shevarim Teruah"?

Should one say the "Yhi Raton"s printed in the machzorim after each set of tekios?

When should the congregation "fall on their faces"(נופלים על פניהם) with the chazzan?

When, ideally,  should a bris take place on Rosh Hashana?

Yaakov was appointed to blow shofar for the women in his community. When may he do so?

How many reasons does the kitzur mention for reciting Tashlich by a river?

How many reasons does the Kituzr mention for reciting Tashlich by fish?

We pasken that:

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