Quiz – Siman 51

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 051

If you are thirsty, and would like to have a drink (outside of a seudah), how much should you drink?

You would like to eat one blueberry - what should you do?

If you eat half a k'zayis or olives, and half a k'zayis of cake, what should you be m'varech afterwards?

If you eat half a k'zayis of fruit, and drink half a k'zayis of water, do you make a borei nefashos afterwards?

If you eat half a k'zayis of bread and half a k'zayis of cookies, what b'racha do you make afterwards?

If you ate half a kzayis of cake and later ate another half k'zayis of cake, what's the din?

If one forgot to mention the Shabbos insert in his Al Hamichya, does he have to repeat Al Hamichya?

May one make an Al Hamichya while walking?

ברוך חֵי העולמים  OR ברוך חַי העולמים?

מה שבראת or מה שברא?

If one changed locations before making a borei nefashos -

If one changed locations before making an Al Hamichya - 

How long does one have to make a b'racha acharona after eating?

If one ate and then vomited, must he make a b'racha acharona?

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