Quiz – Siman 21

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 021

TRUE OR FALSE: One may always compensate for a missed Shemoneh Esrei by saying 2 Shemoneh Esreis at the next tefillah

If one missed the Shemoneh Esrei of Shacharis

If one missed the Shemoneh Esrei of Mincha

If one missed the Shemoneh Esrei of Ma’ariv

TRUE OR FALSE: One cannot eat until he davens the replacement Shemoneh Esrei for Ma’ariv

One can daven a replacement Shemoneh Esrei if he missed davening because [click all answers that are true]

TRUE OR FALSE: If one missed Ma’ariv he can compensate by davening 2 Shemoneh Esreis at Mincha

If one forgot Mincha on Erev Shabbos

TRUE OR FALSE: If one forgot to say Mincha on Shabbos he says אתה חוננתנו in both Shemoneh Esreis

TRUE OR FALSE: If one forgot to say Ma’ariv on Motzei Shabbos he says אתה חוננתנו for the missed Ma’ariv

TRUE OR FALSE: If one forgot to say Mincha on Rosh Chodesh he should make up for it at Ma’ariv if the following day is not Rosh Chodesh

TRUE OR FALSE: One cannot compensate for a missed Musaf

TRUE OR FALSE: A chazzan cannot make up for a missed prayer thru the repetition of Shemoneh Esrei

TRUE OR FALSE: If one is in doubt if he davened Shemoneh Esrei he should not daven

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