Quiz – Siman 69

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 069

Why is the reward of davening mincha so great?

How many halachic hours does one ideally  have to daven mincha?

On a "perfect day" (Morning begins at 6AM, and night begins at 6PM), at what time is mincha gedolah?

In a place where people aren't called to shul: is it permitted for a man to begin eating a few fruits right before mincha ketanah?

If one was intending to have a seudas bris milah at halachic noon - what should he do (in a location where people are not called to shul)?

In a place where people are called to shul: is it permitted for a man to begin eating a few fruits right before mincha ketanah?

Is it permitted for one to begin a seudas bris milah at halachic noon (in a location where people are called to shul)?

Is it permitted for one to have a seudas bris milah at mincha ketanah (in a location where people are called to shul)?

How much of one's hand should be washed before davening?

If a shiliach tzibur was brought a tallis to wear after already reciting ashrei - what should he do?

Ideally, how should an abridged mincha be done?

Under more pressured time limits, how -ideally- should an abridged mincha be done?

If one enters a shul and the kehilla is already davening mincha, and if you would begin davening immediately you will be able to say kedusha with the tzibbur - what should you do?

If one davens mincha along with the chazzan, should he recite "l'dor va'dor nagid gadlecha" or "atah kadosh"?

If one begins davening mincha with the chazzan on a fast day, what should he do regarding the teffilah of "aneinu"

Which of the following is better?

What causes the biggest issue when extending teffilas mincha into the night?

When does a tzibbur accept shabbos?

What should a person do if he didn't daven mincha yet, and upon arriving to shul on erev shabbos, he hears the chazzan say barchu and he responds accordingly?

What should one do if he arrives to shul to daven mincha, and finds that the whole tzibbur is about to accept shabbos in one minute?

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