Quiz – Siman 53

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 053

If one cooked oranges, what bracha should one make on the sauce?

If it is normal to squeeze tomatoes for their juice, and one does so, what b'racha should one make on the tomato juice?

If one boiled vegetable, and then decided to only drink the soup, what b'racha does one make?

What b'racha should one make on coffee?

If one bought a jar of pickles, ate the pickles and then wanted to drink the pickle juice, what b'racha should he make?

If one soaked juicy raisins in water to make raisin juice, how many days must it ferment for it to be considered wine?

If one soaked juicy raisins to make the aforementioned drink, as well as to eat raisins, what bracha should one make on the drink?

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