Quiz – Siman 62

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 062

What is the issur of ona'ah?

Does the issur of buying/selling with false weights apply to goyim?

How can one do a proper t'shuva for measuring and weighing incorrectly?

What do we learn from the extra words בכיסך and בביתך in the pasuk of not owning false weights and measures?

Which of the following would be permitted in a city where every wine merchant sells 2-liters of wine in slightly larger bottles  for 10$ each?

Adam has been talking to Moshe about buying his car. Until when may Dovid buy the car from Moshe?

Gavriel made Naftali a shliach to buy a menorah, and gave Naftali $10. Upon seeing the menorah, Naftali decided to use Gavriel's $10 to buy the menorah for himself. What must Naftali do?

If a customer gives a merchant a deposit on a product, and then decides to not buy the product - what is the law?

What do we learn from the seeming redundancy of איפה צדק והין צדק יהיה לכם?

If one decided in his heart to give tzedakah, is he obligated to give it?

If one is selling his home, and a friend and a family member would like to buy it - to whom must it be sold?

If one is selling his home, and a friend and a talmid chacham would like to buy it - to whom must it be sold?

If one is selling his home, and a talmid chacham friend and the next-door neighbor would like to buy it - to whom must it be sold?

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