Quiz – Siman 94

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 094

Reuven and Shimon live in separate apartments with a door connecting their rooms. They also share a courtyard. Reuven and Shimon

Reuven and Shimon live in neighboring courtyards. Their courtyards connect by a 3X3 tefach grate-less window. May Reuven and Shimon make a joint eiruv to carry from one chatzer to the next?

Reuven and Shimon share a courtyard which in which, in order to reach the public road, one must walk through Levi and Yehuda's courtayard. Levi and Yehuda made an eiruv to themselves, and Reuven and Shimon made an eiruv to themselves. May Levi and Yehuda carry between their houses?

Reuven has a courtyard which in which, in order to reach the public road, one must walk through Levi and Yehuda's courtayard. Levi and Yehuda made an eiruv to themselves. May Levi and Yehuda carry between their houses?

Reuven and Shimon share a courtyard which in which, in order to reach the public road, one must walk through Levi's.  Reuven and Shimon made an eiruv to themselves. May Levi carry from his home to his courtyard?

Reuven and Shimon  own neighboring condominiums, joined by a lobby. 

The eiruv chatzeiros is placed in...

May Reuven grant ownership of his loaf of bread to the other courtyard-dwellers via his 14 year old (reliant) son?

Reuven fully financially supports his married son, Levi, as he spends all day learning. May Reuven grant ownership of his loaf of bread to all the courtyard-dwellers via Levi?

Levi shared a chatzer with 13 other tenants. What is the minimum size of loaf which can be used as an eiruv chatzeiros?

Levi made an eiruv in his home for all his neighbors. One of his neighbors, Aharon, was a kohen. On Friday night at 11:30PM, someone died in the room where Levi kept the eiruv...

Reuven and Shimon live in separate houses united by a bedroom which they both use to sleep in. May they carry into each other's houses without an eiruv chatzeitos?

Bob the non-Jew lives in an abandoned mansion in the Rocky Mountains. The mansion has one central lobby, and individual rooms for sleeping and eating. A Jewish organization decided to have a Shabbaton there, and didnt mind Bob's presence. The Jewish organization placed each family into their own room. May the families carry into the lobby without an eiruv?

Reuven and Shimon share a chatzer. Bob the non-Jew rents an apartment from Reuven behind the chatzer. Bob's only way to reach the public road is by walking through Reuven and Shimon's chatzer. Reuven and Shimon made an eiruv chatzeiros. May they carry into each other's house?

Reuven and Shimon shared a chatzer with Bob the non-Jew. One day, Reuven approached Bob's servant, and arranged with him to rent Bob's apartment for 5 years. Bob's servant was fired 2 years after the agreement was made. 

Berel, Shmerel and 8 other men share a courtyard. Everyone in chatzer attends the "courtyard shul" which is also attached to the courtyard. The city in which these 10 men live is not surrounded with eiruvin (tzuros hapesach) on the streets and alleys. Where should the eiruv chatzeiros of Berel and Shmerel's courtyard be placed?

A city's eiruv fell down during a windy Friday night. What may be done to fix it?

On year, when the second day of Rosh Hashana fell out on Friday, the city's Eiruv fell down during the day. May the Jews of the city carry within their own private courtyards on Shabbos?

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