Quiz – Siman 19

Welcome to your Kitzur Quiz - Siman 019

A person starts saying משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם in his private Shemoneh Esrei

A person stops saying משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם in his private Shemoneh Esrei

 If one forgot to say משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם

TRUE OR FALSE: One who said משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם at Ma’ariv of the 1st day of Pesach does not have to repeat Shemoneh Esrei

TRUE OR FALSE: One who says מוריד הטל and forgot to say משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם does not need to repeat Shemoneh Esrei

If you erroneously said משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם

We begin to say ותן טל מטר לברבה

If one forgot to say ותן טל מטר לברבה

TRUE OR FALSE: If one forgot to say ותן טל מטר לברבה and he said the pasuk יהיו רצון וכוat the end of Shemoneh Esrei he must repeat Shemoneh Esrei

If you are in doubt whether you said משיב הרוח וכו

If December 4th is a Shabbath and one mistakenly davened a weekday Shemoneh Esrei and he did not realize his error until he started ברך עלינו

If you forgot יעלה ויבוא during Rosh Chodesh

TRUE OR FALSE: The same exact laws that apply to forgetting יעלה ויבוא during Rosh Chodesh apply to forgettin יעלה ויבוא during Chol Hamo’ed

TRUE OR FALSE: You must repeat Shemoneh Esrei if you forgot יעלה ויבוא even if you already davened Mussaf

TRUE OR FALSE: If you need to repeat Shemoneh Esrei you may start the 2nd Shemoneh Esrei immediately after finishing the 1st Shemoneh Esrei

If the Chazzan made a mistake which would normally necessitate him to repeat Shemoneh Esrei

TRUE OR FALSE: One does not say ענינו for a private fast day

TRUE OR FALSE: One says ענינו in שומע תפילה

 If one forgot ענינו

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